दिइएका निर्देशनहरु सावधानीपूर्वक पढेर मात्र ताेकिएकाे शुल्क ताेकिएकाे माध्यमबाट तिरी फाराम भर्नुहाेला ।

Check Your Eligibility

Please check your eligibility criteria before depositing the Entrance Application Fee. The application fee once submitted will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Required Documents to Upload

Before starting registration you must have: 

  1. Transaction Receipt  (eSewa/ConnectIPS/Khalti payment)

  2. Recent Passport Size Photo (MRP Standard & clear photo)

  3. Academic Transcript (Grade 11-12 both included OR Grade 12 Transcript & Grade 11 Marksheet OR Equivalent) - make single pdf if you have marksheet!

  4. Equivalence Certificate (if required)

  5. Marksheet (SLC/SEE or Equivalent)

  6. Citizenship Certificate

  7. Scanned Copy of Candidate's Signature (Use only BLACK INK with white background only)

  8. Recommendation Letter (ONLY FOR QUOTA)



You are required to Choose the campus you wish to study after passing the LL.B. Entrance Examiantion 2079/80. The campus will not be modified ONCE AUTHORIZED.

Exam Center:

You are required to fill out your 'Preferred Center' for the Entrance Examination. Decide carefully, because it can NOT be changed!


If you have any problem regarding application form call us (Dean's Office, Faculty of Law) at +977-15330516, 15326586 (Query Time: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm) or (इमेलबाट आएकाे समस्यालाई मात्र समाधान गरिनेछ । फाेनबाट सामान्य जानकारी मात्र दिइन्छ). Queries other than technical issues will not be entertained. For eSewa payment: 1660-01-02121 (NTC), 1810-21-02121 (Ncell), For KHALTI payment 9801856383, 9801301162 and For ConnectIPS payment 01-4232386